Benefits of flipping ESP classes


ESP, Flipped Learning, inverting classroom, innovative teaching model, learning styles


Recent advances in technology have transformed the way people live providing great facilities as well as giving an opportunity to an individual approach. Education, which is also profoundly influenced by modern technology, is not the exception. The innovative teaching model, Flipped Learning, which inverts classroom framework to more active learning, is gaining popularity in teaching different subjects at universities. This article discusses the benefits of Flipped Classes in teaching Technical English in university, which is called ESP (English for Specific Purposes) in philology. As ESP differs from learning English taking more time to enhance vocabulary, specific aspects, and contextual approach to the topic, with which students are able to deal individually as homework by visually watching the videos prepared by a teacher. The model assists learners to acquire topics dealing with their different learning styles, perceptions, and biological prime time. Some of the great results of flipping classes are being empowered, interacted, and given feedback individually by an instructor, which is important in learning ESP. Furthermore, Flipped Learning is a good way to develop independent study skills of learners that is considered to be a lifelong skill.



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